2017: Awards eligibility, favorite stories, and thoughts about writing while the world burns

In 2017, I published the following stories: Flash Fiction: All the flash that I published this year happened as a result of reading too many IT HAPPENED TO ME columns at XOJane.com, and then seeing an ad for a “yoni wormwood steam” at a spa. “You should do it!” my partner at the time said.Continue reading “2017: Awards eligibility, favorite stories, and thoughts about writing while the world burns”

2016 Writing Goals

Back in 2014, on one of the last days of the Clarion Writing Workshop, Ann and Jeff Vandermeer spent an afternoon with us talking about goals. Ann posed the following acronym for choosing and following through on goals: SMART goals should be: 1.) Specific 2.) Measurable 3.) Action-oriented 4.) Realistic 5.) Timely We were allContinue reading “2016 Writing Goals”

Flash Fiction: Not an Ocean, But the Sea

[[Hey folks! Over on my Patreon page, I reached a goal of a monthly writing prompt. Uh, actually, I reached it a while ago and am only now in a place to fulfill that goal. Life, organizing, etc. Here’s the first installment of what will hopefully become a monthly piece of flash fiction. If youContinue reading “Flash Fiction: Not an Ocean, But the Sea”

Story publication: Let Down, Set Free

My short story, “Let Down, Set Free” is now live at Crossed Genres! You can read it here. I originally wrote this story last summer, as a reward for a backer of my Indiegogo campaign, and later workshopped it at Clarion. I think it underwent three major rewrites along the way. As always, you canContinue reading “Story publication: Let Down, Set Free”

Publication alert & future plans

Publication alert! Strange Horizons has published my review of the first issue of Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro. DeConnick favorited my tweet about it, so I’m quietly squeeing to myself about that. You can read my review here, and you can (and really, really should) buy Bitch Planet wherever ImageContinue reading “Publication alert & future plans”

To all the trans, genderqueer, or nonbinary youth that might read this

Hi. I am a twenty-nine year old nonbinary weirdo with facial hair and breasts and a pretty massive chip on my shoulder. I write things—sometimes even things about trans or nonbinary people!—and I work as a bike mechanic, and I have family and friends who love me. I’ve suffered through probably a half-dozen identity crisesContinue reading “To all the trans, genderqueer, or nonbinary youth that might read this”