2017: Awards eligibility, favorite stories, and thoughts about writing while the world burns

In 2017, I published the following stories: Flash Fiction: All the flash that I published this year happened as a result of reading too many IT HAPPENED TO ME columns at XOJane.com, and then seeing an ad for a “yoni wormwood steam” at a spa. “You should do it!” my partner at the time said.Continue reading “2017: Awards eligibility, favorite stories, and thoughts about writing while the world burns”

Everything I Know About Getting Short Stories Published

Who I am My name is Nino, and I’ve been submitting short stories and essays for the past five years. I’ve been published, at best guest, in about 15 different venues. I’m currently the assistant fiction editor at Beecher’s, a literary magazine, and I’ve previously worked as a slush reader for Crossed Genres Magazine andContinue reading “Everything I Know About Getting Short Stories Published”

Goodbye, Sexy Weirdo Role Model

Content warnings: probably not safe for work. At 12:56 yesterday, I texted my girlfriend: “Prince was found dead. This day is dead. I’m pretty close to crying at work.” When an artist passes, people mourn publicly. I found out on my lunch break via Twitter, where people were already capslocking their grief. But in thatContinue reading “Goodbye, Sexy Weirdo Role Model”

2016 Writing Goals

Back in 2014, on one of the last days of the Clarion Writing Workshop, Ann and Jeff Vandermeer spent an afternoon with us talking about goals. Ann posed the following acronym for choosing and following through on goals: SMART goals should be: 1.) Specific 2.) Measurable 3.) Action-oriented 4.) Realistic 5.) Timely We were allContinue reading “2016 Writing Goals”

Now I’m Here: Reflections on 2015

Trigger warnings: discussion of depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts below. Just so you know what kind of reflection post this is going to be. The end of the year is a time for reflection, and I’ve seen that in a multitude of ways: a lot of friends and people I know write yearly posts, countContinue reading “Now I’m Here: Reflections on 2015”

Favorite Stories of 2015/Award Eligibility Post

There was so much excellent fiction this year, or perhaps this is the first time I’ve really tried to pay attention to what’s being published in the short fiction realm. For those of you following along, I’ve attempted (not always faithfully) to keep track of my reading habits in monthly “What I’ve been reading” posts.Continue reading “Favorite Stories of 2015/Award Eligibility Post”

Open Letter to Anita Alvarez, State’s Attorney for Cook County, IL

Update: All charges against Malcolm London were dropped, as of 11/25/15, 1:52 CST. To: Anita Alvarez, State’s Attorney for Cook County State’s Attorney Office statesattorney@cookcountyil.gov Ms. Alvarez, I’m writing to you today to urge you to drop the charges against Malcolm McDonald. This young activist was arrested last night while protesting against the Chicago PoliceContinue reading “Open Letter to Anita Alvarez, State’s Attorney for Cook County, IL”

What I’ve Been Reading: October 2015

In an effort to keep track of my reading, I’ve started taking notes about the stories I’ve been enjoying. All of them are linked, where applicable. If there’s something I’ve missed, or that I should read, leave a comment or send me a note at nanoonino [at] gmail [dot] com. And if you’d like toContinue reading “What I’ve Been Reading: October 2015”

50 Word Essays: Food edition

[For previous 50 Word Essays, look here. And yes, my household really does have a chicken named Dixieland Stampede.] 6.) Avocado/Coconut milkshake from Radio Bean. Pale green, sweet, creamy. It’s good, but I can’t believe I paid $6 for this. It’s mostly for the memories: Radio Bean opened half my life ago. I’ve killed soContinue reading “50 Word Essays: Food edition”

Flash Fiction: Not an Ocean, But the Sea

[[Hey folks! Over on my Patreon page, I reached a goal of a monthly writing prompt. Uh, actually, I reached it a while ago and am only now in a place to fulfill that goal. Life, organizing, etc. Here’s the first installment of what will hopefully become a monthly piece of flash fiction. If youContinue reading “Flash Fiction: Not an Ocean, But the Sea”